viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008

Me olvidava de esto...

Hoy, hacia las 13H he hecho las cuentas y seguramente a esa misma hora, en Viena, un concierto que llevaba AÑOS esperando poder ver estaría en su apogeo.

Y esto es lo que me he encontrado rebuscando en Internet hace pocos minutos:

At 2/22/2008 10:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just got back from Vienna (I'm from Czech Republic). Just a short comment before I go to sleep: It was a total blast, Neil was not talking much, but the more he was playing;) People were dancing in the isles since the beginning of the electric part. During Hey Hey, My My everyone was on their feet and dancing crowded in front of the stage (which was literally shaking! - even Neil mentioned something like "don't bring the house down";) The end (Cinnamon Girl, Rockin' In The Free World) was simply unbelievable, Neil tearing most of the strings on old black (or all?), some people even diving from the stage into the crowd in the end! What a night!

Sergi y Mónica: por favor, no me lo paséis mucho por la cara.

Y Neil: tarda aún un poco en retirarte o morirte.

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